spring is a beatiful season. even though there are four seasons a year, i prefer spring time. and, whenever i'm asked what my favourite season is, i instantly answer: "spring".
it's not only because my birthday is in spring, but also because it's the most precious season for me. i think that nothing can be more beautiful than awakening of nature after long winter sleep. that's exactly what happens during this time of the year.
first month is still a bit cold. in my region it snows and rains a lot in march. however, gradually we see the first spring flowers appearing on the surface, among them snowdrops, lily of the valley, daffodils, violets. the grass becomes greener and the nights become shorter.
march is also marked by the celebration of the international women’s day. on this day women don’t do any housework, they simply relax and enjoy the holiday. their husbands, sons, fathers and brothers give them nice presents and do everything for them.
april is a warm month. although, it often rains, the weather is not cold anymore. on the first day of april we have the fools’ day. it’s a funny holiday, when your friends can play different tricks on you or tell jokes. easter also falls on april. it’s one of my favorite holidays. i associate this day with tasty cakes and colorful eggs.
may starts with the labor day or may day. it’s an international workers’ day in many countries. on this day people hold ceremonial parades. the 9th of may is another remarkable day. it’s a victory day, which is celebrated to commemorate the second world war victims and veterans. the weather in may is fantastic. although, it sometimes rains, most of the time it is warm and sunny.
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праздники россии на языке
holidays of russia in english
holidays in russia are numerous. people love them, it's time to spend with family and friends, to pay tribute to the traditions or to glorify the fatherland. some are celebrated by the whole world, others only in this country, others – exclusively for a group or family.
holidays are divided into categories:
religious – such as easter, christmas, etc.
state – the independence day for example.
folk – march 8, is the same labor day.
professional – praise and reward when honored figures of culture, art, fireman day, the day of the policeman, etc.
sports, etc.
in recent years more and more holidays are becoming more international, and state special collection days is also updated. but which of them are most important?
new year
for many, he is the most important even of the year. about the children and say nothing. birthday and new year's favorites that they would not miss. is a family holiday, with a christmas tree, the president's speech, a champagne and gifts. earlier, when the holiday came to russia, it is celebrated not in winter and spring, thus calculating the beginning of the new year. however, it was later moved to january.
day of russia
one of the most striking political developments of the last decades. and no matter how much time passed before russia is the twelfth of june for her birthday. it was then in 1990 it became independent. and millions of people who lived in the soviet union with trepidation, remember this day.
the unity of the people
it celebrated from 1649 until the beginning of the revolution of the 17th. in 2005, he returned to the ranks of important holidays.
men's day
when each man can rightly be congratulated – 23 feb. all adult men who have served in the military or been in the power structures (or working there). it's the day of defenders of the motherland, ready to stand to the end for peace and unity in the country, for its independence, after all, february 23, back in 1918, the first red army, which included ordinary working lads, opposed the invaders.
women's day
it is celebrated worldwide on march 8. the most favorite holiday for all women, from young to old. all mothers, grandmothers, wives, sisters, daughters, granddaughters, loved ones and appreciate beautiful women! strong half gives gifts, wishes.
the first of may
in the ussr, this day was dedicated to millions of workers. the occasion marked the beginning of workers in chicago who had organized the picket and the strike. they demanded human conditions – the 8-hour day. then the strike was suppressed, and several people paid with their lives. now the first of may – day one for all in the world, is the day of unity of all workers.
victory day
a great day for many countries. especially participants in the war 40s. 1418 days of the war, when the huge peoples of the soviet union stood together to the end to defend their country, they could not escape or refuse, they understood that behind – their families, loved ones. behind their homeland. this war was not for them a struggle for power or influence in the world. it was to protect from invaders, patriotic war. and they, our ancestors were able to win. even today, the ussr disintegrated into a dozen countries, but they all may 9 is a sacred day. what must not be forgotten.
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праздников в россии множество. люди любят их, это время провести с родными и близкими, отдать должное традициям или славить отечество. одни отмечаются всем миром, другие только в этой стране, третьи – исключительно для коллектива или семьи.
праздники делятся на категории:
религиозные – такие как пасха, рождество христово и т.д.
государственные – день независимости к примеру.
народные – 8 марта тот же, день труда.
профессиональные – когда славят и заслуженных деятелей культуры, искусства, день , день милиционера и т.д.
спортивные и т.д.
в последнее время все больше праздников выходит на международный уровень, и коллекция государственных особых дней тоже пополняется. но какие из них остаются важнейшими?
новый год
для многих – он даже важнейший в году. про детей и говорить нечего. день рождения и новый год – фавориты, которые они ни за что не пропустят. считается семейным праздником, с елкой, речью президента, шампанским и подарками. раньше, когда праздник пришел на русь, его отмечали не зимой, а весной, таким образом высчитывая начало нового года. однако потом его перенесли на январь.
день россии
один из наиболее ярких политических событий последних десятилетий. и сколько бы времени ни прошло, пока россия есть – двенадцатое июня для нее день рождения. именно тогда в 1990 году она стала независимой. и миллионы людей, живших при с трепетом, вспоминают этот день.
Everybody knows that there are a lot of problems nowadays, including misunderstanding between relatives. It seems to me I am treated badly in my family, that's why my parents and I must pay much attention to our situation.
My friend gave me a couple of advice. We should arrange a date and meet a psychologist. Then, everyone of us must learn how to get alone each other, how to compromise and to find the ways of getting rid of those quarrels between my brother and sister. I should make my parents listen to me, and tell them every my trouble and problem. Explain them what is wrong with me, ask them to understand my feelings.
I hope everything will get better and my family will find a compromise. We must fight for our life and never give up! You need to treat each other with trembling, prevent threats to each other. The most terrible thing is treachery, it is impossible to understand and forgive. Our close people deserve kindness and mutual understanding, love and sincerity.