Uniforms must be worn at all this strict law worldwide. And in high school wear uniform in style because that is not already there who can not ugrazhat starshiklassnikam. But as mladchem class on the first through fifth grade girls form a very touching white top black white sundress golgotki and boys black pants and a white shirt vest. That is why world over
Школьную форму должны носить все это строгий закон во всём мире . А в старших классов носят форму по своему стилю потомучто там уже не кто не сможет угражать старшиклассникам . Но а младчем классе по с первого по пятый класс форма очень трогая девочкам белый верх чёрный сарафан белые голготки , а у мальчиков чёрные брюки жилет и белая рубаха . Вот почему ученики должны носить школьную форму во всём мире .
Exercise 9. Вставьте артикль the, где необходимо
1. Kazbek is highest peak of the Caucasus.
2. The Alps are covered with snow.
3. The USA is the largest country in America.
4. Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world.
5. Paris is the capital of France.
6. Which are the highest mountains in Russia?
7. Which river flows through London?
8. The Volga runs into the Caspian Sea.
9. The United Kingdom consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
10. Chicago is on Lake Michigan.
11. Which is the most difficult exercise in the test?
12. Which is your favourite subject at school?'' - 'It's History'.
13. We usually play tennis on Sundays.
14. The weather was so bad in October.