Read the text again and complete the sentences using no more 4 words. 1. Clockwork devices lost popularity because of 2. Baylis designed the clockwork radio because many people 3. Some clockwork devices are more sophisticated because they have 4. Eco-friendly people use clockwork gadgets because they.
The future is often financed by the past. часть глагола сказуемого The project financed by the government was rather profitable. определение Buying the goods we take into account both the quality and the price. обстоятельство We are buying the foodstuffs in the nearest shop. часть глагола сказуемого Будущее часто финансируется Проект, финансируемый правительством, был весьма прибыльным. Покупая товары, мы принимаем во внимание как качество, так и цену. Мы покупаем продукты питания в ближайшем магазине.
Advantages: They are a safe way to spend your time.
Examples: If you are at home with your friends, your parents know where you are.
Disadvantages: Some games are very violent.
Games can distract you from other things.
Examples: They could change your personality or even encourage you to commit crimes.
You may fall behind with your homework.
2. 1. List points: Firstly, also.
2. Give examples: For example, for instance.
3. Introduce the opposite opinion: On the other hand, however.
4. Introduce a conclusion: All in all.