25. “Of Human Bondage” by W. Somerset Maugham
He was surprised at himself because he ceased to believe so easily, and, not knowing that he felt as he did on account of the subtle workings of his inmost nature, he ascribed the certainty he had reached to his own cleverness. He was unduly pleased with himself. With youth's lack of sympathy for an attitude other than its own he despised not a little Weeks and Hayward because they were content with the vague emotion which they called God and would not take the further step which to himself seemed so obvious.
One day he went alone up a certain hill so that he might see a view which, he knew not why, filled him always with wild exhilaration. It was autumn now, but often the days were cloudless still, and then the sky seemed to glow with a more splendid light: it was as though nature consciously sought to put a fuller vehemence into the remaining days of fair weather. He looked down upon the plain, a-quiver with the sun, stretching vastly before him: in the distance were the roofs of Mannheim and ever so far away the dimness of Worms. Here and there a more piercing glitter was the Rhine.
The tremendous spaciousness of it was glowing with rich gold. Philip, as he stood there, his heart beating with sheer joy, thought how the tempter had stood with Jesus on a high mountain and shown him the kingdoms of the earth. To Philip, intoxicated with the beauty of the scene, it seemed that it was the whole world which was spread before him, and he was eager to step down and enjoy it. He was free from degrading fears and free from prejudice. He could go his way without the intolerable dread of hell-fire.
Suddenly he realised that he had lost also that burden of responsibility which made every action of his life a matter of urgent consequence. He could breathe more freely in a lighter air. He was responsible only to himself for the things he did. Freedom! He was his own master at last. From old habit, unconsciously he thanked God that he no longer believed in Him.
First of all, the actors whose names are on everyone's lips-Ryan Gosling, Jim Carrey, Michael J. Fox, Pamela Anderson, Keanu Reeves, Leslie Nielsen. Singer Mylene Farmer was born near Montreal, and genius Director James Cameron in Ontario. Singer Shania is honored not only for her wonderful songs, but also for the record that has not yet been surpassed - one of her albums has been released in the amount of 40 million copies. Neil young is a popular canadian musician with a unique guitar playing technique. Wayne Gretzky is the most famous hockey players of the 20th century. He won the Stanley Cup four times. John Kenneth Galbraith, one of the most famous theoretical economists, is also a native of Canada.