Укр:1.Я (запитати) на уроці музики завтра. 2. Нещодавно у Києві відкрився новий концертний зал. 3.Я (тільки / прийти) зі школи. 4.Нобелівська премія з літератури (віддати) кращому письменнику минулого року. 5. Малюнки до нової книги (малювати) три місяці тому. 6. Книга (повернутись) до бібліотеки завтра. 7. Розважальні програми (зазвичай / для трансляції) по радіо. 8. Інтерв'ю з відомими акторами та актрисами (часто / публікувати) у цьому журналі. 9. Україна (вмиватися) Чорним і Азовським морем на півдні. 10. Домашнє завдання (недавно / робити) моїм однокласником.
Рус:1. Я (чтобы с на уроке музыки завтра. 2. Новый концертный зал (построить) в Киеве недавно. 3. Я (только / чтобы прийти) из школы. 4.Нобелевская премия по литературе (вручить) лучшему писателю года. 5. Картинки для новой книги (нарисовать) три месяца назад. 6. Книга (чтобы вернуться) в библиотеку завтра. 7. Развлекательные программы (обычно / для трансляции) по радио. 8. Интервью с известными актерами и актрисами (часто / для публикации) в этом журнале. 9. Украина (для мытья) у Черного моря и Азовского моря на юге. 10. Домашнее задание (недавно / чтобы сделать) моим одноклассником.
Как мог.
The postbox was empty) yesterday.
The stamps were postmarked at the post office.
The letters were sorted into the different towns.
The mail was loaded into the train.
The mailbags were unloaded after their journey.
The bags were taken to the post office.
The letters were sorted into the different streets.
The letters were delivered
I was asked at the lesson yesterday.
I was given a very interest ing book at the library last Friday.
Many houses are built in our town every year.
This work will be done tomorrow.
This text was translated at the last lesson.
These trees were planted last autumn.
Many interesting games are always played at our PT lessons.
This bone was given to my dog tomorrow.
We were invited to a concert last Saturday.
Lost time is never found again.
If you had a driving license, you would get this job.
My dog would be 20 years old today if it was alive.
I would go to the police if I were you.
If people didn’t buy guns, the world would become safer.
Tom wouldn’t eat much “fast food” if his wife cooked at home.
My parents made me stay at home.
Will you help me repair this toy?
It’s not worth (trying) to spend your time on him.
You should (be) very careful when you cross the street.
He was advised (to report) about the accident to the police.
I canIt wait (to tell) you the good news.
She can’t stand (being told) lies.
вроде как, вот так
Aerobic and anaerobic exercises.
There is a division of sports exercises intensity to aerobic (aka cardio), anaerobic and mixed. The difference between this tipes of exercises are in the way to supply muscules with oxygen. During the aerobic training there is enought oxygen entering the body to the muscules, and during the anaerobic - there is a lack of it. From this differense we have an important consequenses:
During the training the energy of the body is taken from ATP (adanoisine triphosphate) but for the synthesis of ATP in different types of trainings different substanses are used. During the aeribic exersises this substances are glucose from the blood and fat from the adipose tissue. During the anaerobic - only glucose from blood. That's why it is belived that anaerobic exercises are useless in trying to get slimmer.
How to distinguish aerobic and anaerobic exericises?
The main thing is a pulse rate, more precisely, it's percentage of the maximum heart rate. To get this number for yourself, substract your age in years from 220. Anaerobic training is 50% of this number and more.
What types of exersices are aerobic an anaerobic?
Aerobic: running, swimming, biking, aerobics (which is why it is called so).
Anaerobic: power loads - bar, fitness equipment.
And of course running and swimming may become anaerobic too if you'll try to hard. It is worht remember if your goal is to loose weight.