The weather in England is very changeable. Today I am going for a walk in the country. Now I can see that the weather is beautiful. I am already outside. The sun is shining, the sky is blue and there are no clouds at all. I feel like the weather is chabgicg already. A cool wind starts to blow, black clouds are covering the sun and in a very short time it is going to rain heavily. I have no idea where to go because there is no houses in sight and I have no coat with me. I am very wet indeed and very cold too. I can catch a bus which is going to take me home. I am at home now. I am shivering and sneezing and I am having a cold. We sometimes say that England is the only country where you can have four seasons in one day.
My character is very kind, passive, not loving aggression. My character is kind because I love animals, feed them, take care of them. I politely communicate with people and do not swear because of nothing. I can easily find contact with people and make friends. I love my relatives and share with them my problems and successes. I do not mischief and do not get angry.I passively react to ridicule and stuff in my direction. I don’t like to fight and bully. I don’t make fun of people for their mistakes. I can tell a lot more, but this is the most important thing, the main thing is that I am very kind and polite with others, I don’t make fun and so on.
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