This weekend I visited friends of my parents. My friends were there, too. While my parents were drinking tea, we played monopoly and UNO. Then we were invited to the table and began to eat. After that, we all danced and played together. We left late in the evening. It was a very good day.
На этих выходных я побывала в гостях у друзей моих родителей. Там были и мои друзья. Пока родители пили чай, мы играли в монополию и уно. Потом нас пригласили за стол и мы принялись кушать. После мы все вместе танцевали и играли. Ушли мы поздно вечером. Это был очень хороший день
Once I had a really interesting day. I was in Saint Petersburg and my parents decided to go to the Hermitage. I never really liked museums and art before so I wasn't very glad. But as soon as I saw all these red carpets and endless stairs I was amazed by the beauty of that place. I couldn't wait to see all these paintings and sculptures. I was totally in love with all works of art. I even saw a Picasso paintings althought. Also in Hermitage were a lot of foreigners. That was very interesting to hear different languages in real life. I even saw french and british people and that was awesome! I was really upset when it was time to go home. I really hope that I'll visit a Hermitage one more time.