Dear Mum and Dad I am writing you a letter as you asked me to. I can't believe I am staying in Paris for three weeks. Everything is so amazing! People are so kind here, they help me a lot, as I don't know French. My host family is so friendly! This family isn't very big: mother, father and two adorable sisters - Marie and Lucie They were asked me a lot about Russia and our life style. Last week I saw The Eiffel Tower and I loved it! Oh my God, it is so beautiful. I took a lot of photos but they can't capture this beauty. Also I visited Louvre. You know, this was my dream to be here. I still can't believe I was in this magical place. Marie, Lucie and I are going to Notre Dame. I can't wait to see it! As you can see, I am very happy to be in France and I so thankful to you that you let me go there. Sending lots of love! Yours,...
А) показателем 3 – го лица единственного числа глагола в Present Indefinite; б) признаком множественного числа имени существительного или в) показателем притяжательного падежа имени существительного 1. Scotland accounts (а) half of Britain’s (в) forest area. 2. In the North of Scotland there is a lake which they say contains (а) one of the biggest mysteries (б) of the 20th century. 3. In the south of England snow falls (а) very seldom and ever lies (а) too long. 4. Edinburgh lies (а) on seven hills (б) and goes (а) down those hills (б) to the sea..
line with infinitives it is 1 and 4