1. Часть библии, содержащая раннехристианское сочинение о жизни и учении Иисуса Христа и являющаяся основой христианского вероучения.
2. перен. Шутл. и ирон. Книга, произведение, содержащие основные принципы, правила чего-л. Прохоров вытащил из шкафа пропыленную зачитанную книгу — вузовский курс обжига, подлинное евангелие каждого цехового работника. Снегов, В поисках пути.
1 An expedition is going to be prepared by John Mills to the North 2 видимо предложение не правильно написано 3 the expedition is going to be showed on national television 4 All the necessary have been already bought by John Mills 5 An observation is going to be set up 6 Objections have been raised to this expedition by many people
1 the project of a new trade centre is being discussed by the chief architects and engineers 2 all the necessary documents have been already signed by the general managers 3 building works are going to be started in April 4 the project will be supported by Many building firms 5 the biggest trade and entertainment centre are going to be built in the region 6 objections have been raised to this project
1. I'm eating lots of fruit and vegetables now. 2. She's calling her son in Cedar Falls at the moment. 3. Are you hearing me now? 4. He's visiting his friends in Spain tonight. 5. My grandmother is busy. She's baking an apricot pie. 6. What are they doing now? - He's reading a book now and she's drawing a picture. 7. What is he doing now? - He's exchanging gifts with his friend. 8. At the moment Masha is baking a pie and her brother is playing. - 1. I'm not eating lots of fruit and vegetables now. 2. She isn't calling her son in Cedar Falls at the moment. 4. He isn't visiting his friends in Spain tonight. ? 1. Am I eating lots of fruit and vegetables now? 2. Is she calling her son in Cedar Falls at the moment? 4. Is he visiting his friends in Spain tonight?
ответЕВА́НГЕЛИЕ, -я, ср.
1. Часть библии, содержащая раннехристианское сочинение о жизни и учении Иисуса Христа и являющаяся основой христианского вероучения.
2. перен. Шутл. и ирон. Книга, произведение, содержащие основные принципы, правила чего-л. Прохоров вытащил из шкафа пропыленную зачитанную книгу — вузовский курс обжига, подлинное евангелие каждого цехового работника. Снегов, В поисках пути.
[Греч. ε’υαγγέλιον]: