1. aquarium - g) a building where people can go to look at fish and other water animals
2. cinema- e) a building where you pay to go and watch films
3. cottage - d) a small house usually in a village or the country
4. department store - 1) a large shop divided into sections, each selling a different type of things
5. hotel - d) a building where you pay to stay in a room and have meals
6. gallery - k) a public building where you can look at paintings and other works of art
7. palace - a) a very large building, often used as the official home of a royal family or president
8. park - i) an open public area with grass and trees, places for children, often with a sports field
9. restaurant - f) a building where meals and drinks are sold to customers sitting at tables
10. snack - b) a small amount of food that you eat between meals
11. stadium - h) a large building usually without a roof where people watch sports events
12. tent - c) a shelter made of cloth and supported with
ropes and poles
unclear — неясный,
unfriendly — недружелюбный,
unhelpful — бесполезный,
uninformed -неосведомленный,
unknown — неизвестный,
unpleasant — неприятный,
unpredictable – непредсказуемый
unattractive непривлекательный
unusable непригодный
undo расстёгивать
unchain освобождать
unable не
Disagreeable – неприятный
,Dishonorable – позорный
,Dishonest — бесчестный
,Disloyal – нелояльный
;Distasteful – противный
,distrustful — недоверчивый.
disabuse – выводить из заблуждений
disorganized -неорганизованный
disharmonious -неграмотный