-Привет. -Привет. -Что у тебя нового?Давно с тобой не виделись. -Да,давно.А нового у меня ничего и нет.У тебя как? -У меня всё замечательно!Неделю назад с родителями ездили на старинные раскопки. -Ух ты!А где это? -В Крыму.Там очень-очень интересно.Можно узнать много нового и познавательного. -А Вы там на экскурсии были? -Нет.У нас там родственники живут,а мы поехали к ним в гости.Вот они и устроили нам небольшую экскурсию по древним раскопкам. -Класс!А я вот давно мечтаю туда поехать.Но был только в Одессе,в катакомбах. -Советую тебе когда-нибудь поехать на раскопки,узнаешь много-много нового!Давай,если у меня будет возможность,я приглашу тебя в себе,и мы вместе поедем на раскопки?Мне кажется,это будет захватывающе. -Правда?Буду тебе благодарен! -Всегда А теперь пошли,погуляем вокруг парка.
William Shakespeare was one of the greatest and famous writers of the world. Many people know and like his works but many facts of Shakespeare’s life are still unknown. William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in Stratford-on- Avon, a small English town. He studied at local grammar school because his father wanted his son to be an educated person. While studying at school, William didn’t have much free time but he liked to go to the forest and the river Avon. Young William liked to watch actors and actresses who visited Stratford-on-Avon. He was fond of actor’s profession and decided to become an actor. With this purpose he went to London. There he played and wrote plays as well. Inhis works he described the events of England’s contemporary life. His plays that were staged in many theatres and which were then translated into many languages made Shakespeare a very popular person. In all Shakespeare wrote thirty seven plays. He cooperated with the best English theatres during twenty five years. His best and the most famous plays are «Othello», «King Lear», «Hamlet», «Romeo and Juliet». Besides plays Shakespeare wrote a lot of poetry, which is translated into many languages and is well-known throughout the world. William Shakespeare died in 1616. But his creations are still popular now and millions of people still admire them.