Topic 1. About Sam's hobby
Sam Information - Sam, 19, programmer, received
family. Hobby - gardening
What's his favorite hobby? Sam is nineteen years old. He works as a programmer.
Sam has a family. They live in a house with a garden. Gardening is Sam's favorite hobby. Now he is
going to plant beautiful flowers. He wants his garden to look beautiful, so he plants flowers, water them,
and digs up the weeds (pulls out the weeds). He loves his hobby because his garden looks beautiful and
gardening helps him stay in good physical shape. I also love gardening. It helps me to relax.
What is he going to plant?
John is twenty-eight years old. He works as a manager. He has no family, perhaps because he
spends too much time playing computer games. I think John is a fan of computer games.
Now he is playing a computer game. A person should play a lot of computer games if he wants to succeed
in this.
I think he enjoys playing computer games because in the photo he plays in the club, he probably comes
here after work. This can help John relax after work, but if he plays shooters, he can get aggressive.
I do not like playing computer games, because I consider this occupation a waste of time and harmful to
my health.
What does a person need to do to make his garden look beautiful?
5 Breast cancer. Lungs' cancer. Ovarian cancer. Colon cancer (but not rectal cancer)
Does he like his hobby? What for?
5 Breast cancer. Lungs' cancer. Ovarian cancer. Colon cancer (but not rectal cancer)
3. Does text messaging create a new type of communication? - Yes, people have developed a unique set
of characters to speed up the typing process.
Topic 2. About John's addiction to computer games.
About John - John, 28, manager, has no
have a family.
Do you think he is a fan of computer games? John is twenty-eight years old. He works as
a manager
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и расставьте знаки препинания в нужных местах. хобби и досуг когда человек не на работе или в школе мы говорим что у него есть свободное время он может делать все что хочет но большинство людей предпочитают не тратить свое время впустую они обычно посвящают его чему то интересному они ходят по магазинам играют в спортивные игры читают книги в больших городах люди проводят свое свободное время посещая театр кино музеи художественные галереи концертный зал фитнес или дискотеки человек может выбрать любой из них когда погода хорошая большинство людей предпочитают гулять по улицам со своими друзьями или выбираться из города.