To meet halfway, to go with the times, disapprove of, political views, to cope with, to reach mutual understanding, heedful of advice, adamant, ill-mannered, rebellious 1. The farmers were unable the harsh dry weather and many of their crops died.
2. Tom Mary singing in bars.
3. He was in his determination to punish the corrupt officials.
4. Our neighbors are willing between our houses.
5. We hope that in the course of constructive discussions we shall be able among the members of the Security Council.
6. Her attitude is just a reaction against her strict upbringing.
7. It demonstrates that library will not wither away, but will and develop more quickly.
8. Our foes are gathering, and it would be to keep them waiting.
9. His were closely akin to those of the monarchists, and he ran into immediate opposition.
10. You should be more .
I like: riding bicycle (я люблю кататься на велосипеде)
playing volleyball (играть в волейбол)
playing basketball (играть в баскетбол)
shooting (стеновую стрельбу)
ll coloumn
I would like: to swim (я бы хотел заниматься плаванием)
to play tennis (играть в теннис)
to ski (кататься на коньках)
to skate (кататься на лыжах)
lll colomn
I don't want to: serf (я не хочу заниматься серфингом)
do boxing (заниматься боксом)
skateboard (заниматься скейтбордингом)
show jumping (parcur) (заниматься прыжками или паркуром)