Here are amazing sculptures of men, women and children up to 8 meters below the waves. Pollution and hundreds of thousands of visitors per year are damaging Mexico’s coral reefs. Jason wants people to swim to the underwater sculpture park instead of the damaged reefs.
Перевод: Здесь находятся удивительные скульптуры мужчин, женщин и детей на глубине до 8 метров под волнами. Загрязнение окружающей среды и сотни тысяч посетителей в год наносят ущерб коралловым рифам Мексики. Джейсон хочет, чтобы люди плыли в парк подводных скульптур вместо поврежденных рифов.
(Перевод слегка кривой из-за того что из переводчика)
Does Mrs Cooper eat in the restaurant every Sunday? 2. He always helps his grandmother in the coat. 3. They never eat very much. 4. It's seven o'clock and they haven't gone to school now. 5. Listen! Ben is playing his electric guitar. 6. Does he wash his car every Sunday? 7. The bell rings at seven o'clock every morning. 8. They always bring their aunt a tree for Christmas. 9. She is wearing a red pullover and black jeans today. 10. Our cat never jumps on the kitchen table. 11. Look! The men wear blue uniforms. 12. Curt always plays his guitar in the afternoon. 13. The taxi is waiting for them at the moment. 14. The boys are throwing snowballs at the girls now. 15 Is Mr Black walking into the classroom at the moment ?