1.This is a house. It is the house made of wood. 2.This is the house that Jack built. 3. Your blouse is in the washing machine. It will be ready for the tomorrow's party. 4. What a lovely dress! Are you going to wear it? 5. In a good library there are always lots of children's books. 6. (The) story was so exciting that the children could hardly believe their ears. 7. The books looks very unusual. I haven't seen the book like this before. - I'm not surprised. It's a very old and expensive book. 8. I know a man who lives in house.
1. First you should feel a wish to eat food so you need to wake up drink some tea or water and after only when your stomach would like and ready to take food you should cook better porridge and bread with butter. 2. Then in 2 or 3 houres you can get hungry and now it s time to take some more high-calorie food. It should be soup or meat with vegetables. 3. Pay attention! portions of meals must be a little. 4. Also it can be nice to drink much water during the day. Not sweet of coure. 5. You should prefer to eat vegetables and fruits. 6. Try to exclude fat food from your ration. 7. Forget for your late supper.
1.You can have either icecream or fruit
2.I might play either chess or read a bok
3.We could order either a chiken salad or a green salad
4.Eery night,my dad either cooks or washes up
5.You could either write or call
1.Neither Alex nor Tom knew that i would seen them take the money
2.Kate neither read nor wrote untill she was seven
3.Neither Peter nor Boris have not been to Poland
4.Carol has neither car nor motorbike
5.Alan neither plays tennis norwathes it on TV
1.I was surprised that both Mary and Oliver were late for the meeting
2.I thought it was strange when both Ian and Anne left at the same time
3.Passengers can both watch recent movies and listen to great albums on many of our flights
4.Both of them enjoy running
5.Both Adam and Viky was very kind