1. Alec said that his friend lived in Moscow. 2. The poor man said that his horse was wild and it could kill my horse. 3. The teacher told me that I hadn't done my work well. 4. My classmate told me that he couldn't explain that rule to me. 5. He said that he had received the letter from his uncle. 6. I said that I could give you my address.
1. They wanted to know what time the train started. 2. She asked me what I would do the next day. 3. I asked my uncle how long he had stayed in Moscow. 4. He wondered where I had bought that hat. 5. She asked me why I had come there the day before.
1. The teacher asked me whether my father worked at a factory. 2. Grandmother asked Mary whether she had done shopping the day before. 3. My sister asked me whether I would take her to the theatre with me the next day. 4. The doctor asked Nick whether he washed his face every morning. 5. Father asked Nick if he had done his homework. 6. The man asked if there were some more books.
1. Tom's mother told Tom to go to bed. 2. The man asked the boys not to play in the street. 3. The teacher asked Nick to give him his book. 4. Father told Jane to show him her homework. 5. The teacher asked the pupils not to open their books. 6. Kate told her grandmother to help her to cook the soup.
Французская писательница, известная сказка, хрустальная туфелька, красная Шапочка, красивая птица.
Хрустальная туфелька была потеряна на балу.
Отдай мне хрустальную туфельку!
Это твоя хрустальная туфелька?
Красивая птица только что пролетела возле меня и села на ветку берёзы.
Какая красивая птица на картинке!
Эта красивая птица - синица?Скрестить, скупить, слезать, слизать, смешать,
совладелец, справа, сверять, свершить.
Скрестить — сложить крестом, слизистый — покрытый слизью,
совладелец — совместно владеющий, советовать—давать советы