Autumn is here, the brightest time of the year. She painted everything around in her favorite colors. Now on the streets of the city there are yellow, red and orange trees. Beauty-autumn endows everyone with coolness. It's not as hot outside as it is in summer. The days are getting shorter and colder.
Autumn is the best time for walks in the park or forest. Everything around is full of colors! Leaves rustle merrily underfoot. Autumn gives us its fruits and pleases us with the last warm rays. The rainy season is about to begin. The colors will leave the streets. Gray weekdays will begin with slush and mud. But it also has its own romance. That's what a different sorceress autumn.
1.You can tell the time with this
2.You put this on your head
3.You open doors with these
1.juː kæn tɛl ðə taɪm wɪð ðɪs
2.juː pʊt ðɪs ɒn jɔː hɛd
3.juː ˈəʊpən dɔːz wɪð ðiːz
4.You can go very fast on these
5.You wear these on your hands
6.You can play music with this
4.juː kæn gəʊ ˈvɛri fɑːst ɒn ðiːz
5.juː weə ðiːz ɒn jɔː hændz
6.juː kæn pleɪ ˈmjuːzɪk wɪð ðɪs
7.You can brush your hair with this
8.You can listen to your favourite songs on these.
7.juː kæn brʌʃ jɔː heə wɪð ðɪs
8.juː kæn ˈlɪsn tuː jɔː ˈfeɪvərɪt sɒŋz ɒn ðiːz
9.You can talk to your friend on this
10.You can take photos with this watch, helmet, keys, roller blades, gloves, guitar, hairbrush, CDs, mobile phone, camera.
9.juː kæn tɔːk tuː jɔː frɛnd ɒn ðɪs
10.juː kæn teɪk ˈfəʊtəʊz wɪð ðɪs
wɒʧ, ˈhɛlmɪt, kiːz, ˈrəʊlə bleɪdz, glʌvz, gɪˈtɑː, ˈheəbrʌʃ, siː-diːz, ˈməʊbaɪl fəʊn, ˈkæmərə