2 Complete the key phrases. Then read the model text and check. KEY PHRASES O Presenting arguments There are arguments both '_ and? One of the 3 for ... is... In addition, ... On the 4 hand, ... All s_all, ... I am (not) in 6_of...
Today, probably, there is no person on Earth who would remain indifferent to sports. Everyone understands the role of sports, but for some reason they stay away from physical education. One lacks time, the other lacks patience.
They join sports on TV screens, “rooting” for their favorite teams: football players, hockey players, and so on. Why is it necessary to play sports? First, speed, dexterity, flexibility develop. Secondly, endurance. A trained person can withstand great physical exertion.
Thirdly, if a person regularly goes in for sports, he can avoid many diseases, primarily colds. When I was little, I got sick very often. The doctor advised my parents to temper me. So I got into the swimming section, where I have been doing it for several years. Now I “forgot the way” to the doctor.
Not all of us will be champions, but playing sports will definitely help us become strong and healthy.
Самостоятельный термин капитал в современном бухгалтерском учёте не используется, но есть ряд близких показателей финансового анализа. Например, собственный капитал — это разница между стоимостью активов компании и суммой её обязательств. Обычно эта величина формируется за счёт уставного капитала (взноса владельцев компании), добавочного капитала (переоценка имущества, эмиссионный доход), нераспределённой прибыли и резервов (формирующихся из прибыли).Стоимость, являющаяся средством получения прибавочной стоимости путём эксплуатации наёмного труда.
Today, probably, there is no person on Earth who would remain indifferent to sports. Everyone understands the role of sports, but for some reason they stay away from physical education. One lacks time, the other lacks patience.
They join sports on TV screens, “rooting” for their favorite teams: football players, hockey players, and so on. Why is it necessary to play sports? First, speed, dexterity, flexibility develop. Secondly, endurance. A trained person can withstand great physical exertion.
Thirdly, if a person regularly goes in for sports, he can avoid many diseases, primarily colds. When I was little, I got sick very often. The doctor advised my parents to temper me. So I got into the swimming section, where I have been doing it for several years. Now I “forgot the way” to the doctor.
Not all of us will be champions, but playing sports will definitely help us become strong and healthy.