1. Two heads are better than one.
Две головы лучше чем одна.
2. This is the most interesting book I have ever read.
Это самая интересная книга, которую я когда-либо читал.
3. Concorde is the fastest plane in the world.
Конкорд - самый быстрый самолет в мире.
4. Mike is taller than Nick.
Майк выше Ника.
5. Harrods is the most expensive shop in London.
Харродс - самый дорогой магазин в Лондоне.
6. This is the cheapest hotel in our city.
Это самый дешёвый отель в городе.
7. We discuss the latest news.
Мы обсуждаем последние новости.
8. My elder brother is five years my senior.
Мой старший брат на пять лет старше меня.
9. The first exercise is more difficult than the second.
Первое упражнение сложнее чем второе.
10. The weather has become worse. It looks like raining.
Погода ухудшилась. Похоже будет дождь .
1. 1) But smoking also eliminates the natural protection women obtain from the hormone estrogen. 2) But the coronary risk from smoking declines rapidly within a few years of stopping. 3) Make an effort to eat foods that are low in fat.
2. 1) Certain risk factors can increase anybody’s chances of develop heart disease. 2) Both men’s and women’s hearts suffer the same effects of smoking. 3) Obesity, even as little as was 5 to 14 percent overweight, raises the risk of heart attack.
Then they were warned about the hazards of sugar. 2) Children from all parts of the country who will be picked to take part in the British National Cohort Study. 3) Dr Golding starts a two-year study – funded by the British Heart Foundation.
1. Do you like cinema? - Yes, but I prefer to go to the theatre.
2. What are they doing now? - They are discussing a very important question.
3. Where did you go? - I went to the disko.
4. He never wants to argue.
5. You will meet your friends at the station tomorrow.