ответ: nowadays, there are modern cinemas. when you enter it, a large hall immediately meets you. you go through the ticket office, buying tickets. you go where the movie is shown. the cinema has a large screen, good sound equipment. but before you start watching, you go and buy a drink and snacks in the fae. as a rule, the box office in the cinema is open until late; there are many sessions.
в наше время есть современные кинотеатры . когда заходишь в него , сразу же тебя встречает большой холл . проходишь через кассу , купив билеты . идешь туда где показывают фильм . в кинотеатре большой экран, хорошее звукооборудование . но перед тем как начать просмотр , ты идешь и покупаешь напиток и закуски в фае . как правило, касса в кинотеатре работает до поздна , проводится много сеансов .
my vacationмой отпуск
i like spending my holidays actively. my favourite time for the vacation is summer because it’s warm and sunny. it’s a good time for the seaside holiday.
this year together with my older sister we’ve been to crimea. there are lots of beautiful cities and sights there but we chose to stay in a small village near feodosia. we were hosted by a nice family of my sister’s friend. nature is very welcoming in this area and the sea is amazingly beautiful. there are many forests, meadows, rivers, lakes, mountains, vineyards, gardens and parks. what i really liked was that the mountains weren’t so high but they were picturesque. when you go up the mountains a marvelous view opens up. i also liked the view of vineyards stretched in neat rows and full of ripe grapes. the climate is mostly dry and hot. morning and evening winds can get rather cold but afternoons are so hot that it’s almost impossible to walk barefoot.
the best place to be when it gets hot is by the sea. its coolness is soothing. lying under the sun and swimming in the sea are my favourite activities while on vacation.
we also took a couple of excursions in feodosia and i should say that the history of this city was very interesting. it was founded by greek colonists in the 6th century bc. later it was numerously conquered and was once even a part of the byzantine empire. today, it’s a popular resort with a population of about 85,000 people. feodosia is widely visited by tourists because they come here for the mineral springs, pebbly beaches, mud baths, sanatoria and rest homes. one of the reasons why i wanted to see feodosia was the fact that my favourite artists ivan aivazovsky lived and worked in this city.
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