If the weather will not change, we will not go outside the city.
2. I wonder if I'll recognize him when I see him.
3. If I'm not busy Friday night, let's go to the exhibition, okay?
4. I would like to know if it was released already.
5. We will not stay in the city on Saturday and Sunday, if the weather is good.
6. I can't tell you if he'll come on time or not.
7. If he comes back to ten, ask him to call me.
8. If I don't have time to talk to him tonight, I should definitely make this tomorrow morning.
Russia has an interesting history. How many miracles happened, how many victories we won over the enemy. Our ancestors heroically defended Russian soil from the invasion of foreigners. And what beautiful artists were born and are born here: Dostoevsky, Pushkin, Tolstoy, Aivazovsky. Our compatriots made many discoveries in fields of science. The nature of the country is diverse, but beautiful in every way. To preserve this beauty, you need to protect nature. I believe that we live in a truly beautiful country. We should be proud of our Motherland.
У России интересная история .Сколько чудес случалось,сколько побед одерживали мы над врагом.Наши предки героически защищали русскую землю от нашествия иноземцев.А какие прекрасные деятели искусства рождались и рождаются здесь: Достоевский,Пушкин,Толстой,Айвазовский. Наши соотечествиники совершили множество открытий в области науки.Природа страны разнообразна,но везде по-своему красива.Чтобы сохранить эту красоту нужно беречь природу.Я считаю ,что мы живём в по-настоящему прекрасной стране.Мы должны гордиться нашей Родиной.
27. childhood
28. sunny
29. enjoyable
30. extremely
31. lucky
32. tiring