Mouse was afraid.(мишка злякалася). "What is it?" - said mouse. (Що це? - скзала мишка) "I must know, what is it!" - said she and went to school. ("Я повинна знати, що це таке!"A lot of animals met her at school. (багато тваринок привітали мишку у школі)"I like this place!" - said little mouse. (Мені подобається це місце. - сказала мишка. Mouse began study, now she is pretty and clever.(мишка почала вчитися, і зараз вона гарненька та розумна)
I hope you are doing well. I was trying to call you yesterday but you didn't answer. Is your phone broken, or have you lost it again? Anyway, I wanted to ask if you could come to my birthday party next Saturday. My birthday was actually two weeks ago, but I couldn't have party then because lots of people were on holiday.
I've invited a few people from our swimming club, as well as my friends from school. Do you think your brother is free that day? Please invite him to come too. The party's at my house and starts at 8 p.m.
Once upon a time there was a little mouse. That mouse found for herself a house. One day ran she for a walk and got into a big building. That was the school. At first little mouse was very scared, she had never seen such big buildings before. But then she saw that the children in that school were very kind and friendly and nobody was going to hurt her. So when the children offered a little mouse to stay and to study at their school, she was very happy.
Спочатку маленька мишка дуже злякалася, тому що вона ніколи не була раніше в такому великому будинку. Але потім вона побачила, що всі діти у цій школі були дуже добрі та дружелюбні і ніхто не збирався іі кривдити. І коли діти запропонували маленькому мишеняті залишитися та навчатися з ними у школі, вона дуже зраділа.