ответ: 3. Our apartment is on second floor. > the second floor
4. Would you like to go to moon? > the moon
5. Which is best hotel in this town? > the best hotel
6. What time is lunch? > OK
7. How far is it to city centre? > the city centre
8. We're going away at end of May. > the end
9. What are you doing next weekend? > OK
10. I didn't like her first time I met her. > the first time
11. I'm going out after dinner. > OK
12. What's biggest city in world? > the biggest city, the world
13. My sister got married last month. > OK
14. My dictionary is on top shelf on right. > the top shelf, on the right
15. We live in country, about five miles from nearest village. > in the country, the nearest village
2 Alex GOT STUNG by a bee while he was sitting in the garden.
3 These tennis courts don't GET USED
very often. Not many people want to play.
4 I used to have a bicycle, but it GOT STOLEN a few months ago.
5 Rachel works hard but doesn't GET PAID.
6 Last night I GOT STOPPED by the police as I was driving home. One of the lights on my car wasn't working.
7 Please pack these things very carefully. I don't want them to GET DAMAGED.
8 People often want to know what my job is. I often GET ASKED that question very much.