За исключением нескольких описок, все правильно.1) it all started in 1865. a group of frenchmen were having dinner in one of the most fashionable restaurants near paris.2) they talked about the democratic changes in the usa and wanted to support the american people. after a short discussion they agreed on an original idea. 3)the idea was suggested by frédéric-auguste bartholdi, a sculptor and designer. he said they could make a statue of a woman holding the torch of freedom. 4) it was an ambitious project and it was impossible to complete it quickly. 5) it actually took 21 years for this idea to become a reality. the french people raised money to build the statue, and, finally, in 1886 it was ready.6) on july 4, 1886 the united states received their amazing gift - the statue of liberty!
where is your friend? — he is at school. he is not at home. 2. michael has a car. his car is red.3. this book is on the table. put a book on the shelf.4. what’s that? — it’s a pencil. the pencil is long. 5. it’s a bus. the bus is a big and yellow. 6. where is a dog? — the dog is under bench. 7. where is his son? — his son is at school. 8. the sun is shining in the sky.. 9. this is a street. i can see many cars and buses in street. 10. this is a tram. what colour is tramнасколько знаю вроде выйдет так, но лучше перепроверить