1)The study of how you inherit genes from your parents is known as genetics.(Наука,что изучает внаследование генов от твоих родителей,известна как генетика.)
2)The number of cells in your body is in the trillions.(В человеческом теле трилиард клеток.)
3)You recieve 23 chromosomes from your father and 23 from your mother.
(Ти получаеш 23 хромосомы от папы и 23 от мамы.)
4)Maria Curie is famous for her research on radioactivity.
5)DNA is made up of numerous short sections called genes
6)theory(Извини,не знаю как првильно подставить.У тебя есть пропуск в 5,поставь theory)
. Sally: Hi, Helen! I think I SHALL CELEBRATE the New Year at my Granny's. And what about you?
Helen: I'm going to have a party at home. I BAUGHT all the presents last week. DID you BUY presents?
. Sally: Yes, I did . Whom WILL you INVITE to the party?
Helen: My friends. Where ARE your sister?
Sally: She's at home now . She DECORATING The New Year tree.
Helen: I see. I LIKE the New Year very much. I SHALL NOT GOto school tomorrow. I think I SHALL GET a lot of presents. (to get ) Happy New Year!