I like traveling very much. No matter where to go, the main thing is to get to know places that have not been seen before. When I travel, I get amazing emotions, energize, and also fight boredom and routine. In addition, traveling allows me to develop my horizons, learn a lot of new things.Without travel, life becomes dull and dull.
Я очень люблю путешествовать. Без разницы куда ездить, главное познавать не виденные ранее места. Когда я путешествую, то получаю потрясающие эмоции, заряжаюсь энергией, а также борюсь со скукой и рутиной. Кроме этого, путешествия позволяют мне развивать кругозор, узнавать много чего нового.
Без путешествий жизнь становится скучной и серой.
1. House is a building, and the home is the place where you live.
2. It's because we're getting used to the home environment, and leaving it is very painful for us.
3. In ancient times, residents built their houses so that they fit their natural conditions.
4. For example, by decorations, place where it built and his condition in general.
5. Summer house, skyscraper, dugout, residential complex, hotel…
6. Yes, I would like to do it. I think it will be interesting experience, to live in a constant motion.
7. One of the biggest advantages is ability to travel when and where you want. And, one of disadvantages, is а small space.
8. It's a summer house on a seaside, somewhere in Malibu.
9. For me, both of these indicators are important. Atmosphere belongs on exterior. If exterior is bad, the atmosphere is bad too.
10. My house is the place where I can relax and be myself. And I can't change my lodgings easily, because I'm getting used to my house, and make an atmosphere in it. So it's became important to me so fast.