1. Go to the board. 2. Write the number on the chalkboard. 3. Hang the painting on the board. 4. She pours water into a vase and places flowers in it. Then she walks over to the windowsill and places the vase on the windowsill. 4. The teacher stands at the blackboard. He writes an example on the board. Students are sitting at their desks. They write this example in their notebooks. 5. Where is your pen? - It's in my pocket. 6. Put the handkerchief in your pocket. 7. He jumps into the river and swims quickly to the bridge.
I was ill last week – Я болел на неделе.
Mary and I were at the concert last night – Мэри и я были на концерте вечером.
We tried to contact their office yesterday, but the line was busy – Мы пробовали связаться с их офисом вчера, но линия была занята.
They were so happy to see me – Они были так счастливы видеть меня.
The letter was on the table. Did you find it? – Письмо было на столе. Ты нашел его?
The Smiths were on holiday in Brazil last month – В месяце Смиты были в отпуске в Бразилии
I passed the exam. It was not difficult – Я сдал экзамен. Он не был сложным.
When I came back home last night, the cat was not there – Когда я вернулся домой вечером, кота там не было.
I heard their conversation. She was not right – Я слышал их разговор. Она была не права.
I liked those candies. They were not too sweet – Мне понравились те конфеты. Они не были слишком сладкими.
His parents were not doctors, they were teachers – Его родители не были докторами, они были учителями.
Last time I saw them, they were not married – Последний раз, когда я их видел, они не были женаты.
Was she your teacher? – Она была твоей учительницей?
Was that dog stray? – Эта собака была бездомной?
Were John and Chris at the meeting yesterday? – Джон и Крис были на совещании вчера?
Were you tired after the journey? – Ты устал с дороги?
At the age of 5 I was a very funny, unfailing and positive girl. I loved going to kindergarten, I loved to play on the playground. I always asked my mother to buy goodies, toys. And I also liked to watch cartoons on TV. Eh, of course there were times, and I like to remember my childhood)
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