One of the deadliest natural disasters is wildfires. People classify them as natural disasters, but only 10–15% of them happen on their own in nature. The main causes of wildfires are abandoned campfires, cigarette butts left on the land, dried grass burning and lightning.
A wildfire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of vegetation happening in rural areas. Wildfires can destroy everything — grass, trees, buildings, animals and humans in their paths. Wildfires release carbon dioxide — a key greenhouse gas — into the atmosphere. Besides, they are bad for people's health causing breathing problems. Another consequence is that loss of vegetation exposes soil to erosion and water runoff may increase and cause flooding in the affected area.
It takes a lot of effort and money to fight these fires. It takes lots of years for land to recover.
There are a few ways to prevent wildfire incidents. For example, we should follow fire safety rules while camping, avoid using equipment that creates sparks, properly dispose of cigarettes and matches.
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