Every year, millions of tourists come to London to see and listen tp Big Ben. But, what exactly is Big Ben?
Most people think that Big Ban is the tall clock tower that stands above the Houses of Parliament. Well no! Big Ben is not the clock tower. It is one of the four huge bells inside the tower. Its name comes from the bell`s commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben. The tower is 98 meters high. The bell inside the tower is 14 tons. The clock on the tower is also huge. Each of the four clock faces is 7 meters wide. The hour hands are about 3 meters long and the minute hands are about 4 meters long.
Perhaps one day you can go to London and see this amasing tourist attraction.
Заполните пробелы отсутствующими словами в последующих предложениях, вам будет предоставлена первая буква каждого слова.
1) США ... от Атлантического океана на востоке до Тихого океана на западе. 2) США c ... четвертой по величине территорией в мире. 3) США ... Мексика на юге. 4) Мы должны упомянуть о ... стране. 5) Многие реки ... через страну. 6) Естественные каналы разрезаются на r 7) В США имеется обширная площадь ... почвы. 8) Он говорит по-испански, второй самый c ... язык в США. 9) Участок земли, установленный федеральным правительством для столицы страны, находится между штатами Виргиния и Мэриленд. 10) Есть тринадцать с ... на американском флаге.
The first place is occupied by the most ancient and often used method of information transfer. Without language there would be nothing. People simply could not understand each other, as it was many thousands of years ago, when humanity was still at the first stages of its development. Today there are thousands of languages with dozens of dialects in each. Most of them are no longer used, many are used in remote corners of the world by various tribes. Thanks to the language we understand each other, thanks to him we develop as a civilization and thanks to him you can learn about the 12 most important inventions of man!