Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты 1-5 и установите соответствие между вопросами А—F. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний вопрос. Which of them has a job of a … ?
A. journalist B. doctor C. driver D. shop assistant E. nurse F. teacher
1. I think I am lucky to have my job because I like travelling. I travel a lot in my job: all over Europe. I carry goods to companies in different countries. Sometimes I‘m away from home for three or four weeks. I spend all this time in my lorry and even sleep in it when I stop to have a rest. 2. I‘ve always enjoyed working with children, though they can sometimes drive you crazy. They don‘t always learn as much as they should and I have to find new ways to make them listen to me and do their homework. I also have to be patient, because not all of my students learn quickly. 3. I‘m very sociable and good at communicating with people. Besides I have always wanted a job in which I could use my knowledge of foreign languages. What I like best about my work is meeting interesting people and taking interviews. I have to work very quickly — tomorrow‘s newspaper won‘t wait! 4. Working with people is very interesting but also very difficult because you have always to be polite. I didn‘t study very well at school but I am good at numbers and I‘m very sociable, so working in a big supermarket is a suitable job for me. Of course, I get tired in the evening, but in the morning I am ready to start my working day again. 5. Taking care of sick people needs a lot of patience and kindness. We don‘t get much money, but the most pleasant moment of my job is seeing a patient get well and leave the hospital. Often I have to work at night but I find time for my studies. My dream is to finish Medical Institute and become a doctor.
1. I think I am lucky to have my job because I like travelling. I travel a lot in my job: all over Europe. I carry goods to companies in different countries. Sometimes I‘m away from home for three or four weeks. I spend all this time in my lorry and even sleep in it when I stop to have a rest. C. driver
2. I‘ve always enjoyed working with children, though they can sometimes drive you crazy. They don‘t always learn as much as they should and I have to find new ways to make them listen to me and do their homework. I also have to be patient, because not all of my students learn quickly. - F. teacher
3. I‘m very sociable and good at communicating with people. Besides I have always wanted a job in which I could use my knowledge of foreign languages. What I like best about my work is meeting interesting people and taking interviews. I have to work very quickly — tomorrow‘s newspaper won‘t wait! - A. journalist
4. Working with people is very interesting but also very difficult because you have always to be polite. I didn't study very well at school but I am good at numbers and I‘m very sociable, so working in a big supermarket is a suitable job for me. Of course, I get tired in the evening, but in the morning, I am ready to start my working day again. D. shop assistant
5. Taking care of sick people needs a lot of patience and kindness. We don‘t get much money, but the most pleasant moment of my job is seeing a patient get well and leave the hospital. Often, I have to work at night but I find time for my studies. My dream is to finish Medical Institute and become a doctor. E. nurse
Это про Мерри Поппинс: Боже мой," сказала Мэри Поппинс: "я-выходной!" Мэри Поппинс и ее подруга матч-человек шел togother в лесочке. Siddenly то наткнулся на небольшое пространство, наполненное солнечным светом. И там на зеленом столе был послеобеденный чай! Куча малины-Джем-торты так высоко, как талии Мэри Поппинс стоял в центре. "Не хотите ли присесть, мадам?" - спросил голос. Они повернулись и нашли высокий мужчина в черном пальто выходит из дерева с та,Ле-салфетку через руку. "Я официант, вы знаете!" - объяснил мужчина в черном пальто. "Не хотите ли сесть?", сказала Мэри Поппинс, вежливо. "Официанты никогда не садятся, мадам," сказал мужчина. Но он был очень рад, что Мэри Поппинс просила его присоединиться к ним. Они начали свой послеобеденный чай, и официант стоял рядом с ними, чтобы увидеть, что они имели все, что им нужно. Они выпили свой чай и еще две чашки, а затем они закончили кучу малины-Джем-торты. После этого они встали. "Нечем платить", сказал официант, прежде чем они успели попросить счет. "Это удовольствие. Вы найдете в "карусели" только туда!" Мэри Поппинс и ее друг увидели несколько деревянных лошадок за деревьями...
Задание 2. Прочитайте тексты 1-5 и установите соответствие между вопросами А—F. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний вопрос. Which of them has a job of a … ?
A. journalist B. doctor C. driver D. shop assistant E. nurse F. teacher
1. I think I am lucky to have my job because I like travelling. I travel a lot in my job: all over Europe. I carry goods to companies in different countries. Sometimes I‘m away from home for three or four weeks. I spend all this time in my lorry and even sleep in it when I stop to have a rest. 2. I‘ve always enjoyed working with children, though they can sometimes drive you crazy. They don‘t always learn as much as they should and I have to find new ways to make them listen to me and do their homework. I also have to be patient, because not all of my students learn quickly. 3. I‘m very sociable and good at communicating with people. Besides I have always wanted a job in which I could use my knowledge of foreign languages. What I like best about my work is meeting interesting people and taking interviews. I have to work very quickly — tomorrow‘s newspaper won‘t wait! 4. Working with people is very interesting but also very difficult because you have always to be polite. I didn‘t study very well at school but I am good at numbers and I‘m very sociable, so working in a big supermarket is a suitable job for me. Of course, I get tired in the evening, but in the morning I am ready to start my working day again. 5. Taking care of sick people needs a lot of patience and kindness. We don‘t get much money, but the most pleasant moment of my job is seeing a patient get well and leave the hospital. Often I have to work at night but I find time for my studies. My dream is to finish Medical Institute and become a doctor.
1. I think I am lucky to have my job because I like travelling. I travel a lot in my job: all over Europe. I carry goods to companies in different countries. Sometimes I‘m away from home for three or four weeks. I spend all this time in my lorry and even sleep in it when I stop to have a rest. C. driver
2. I‘ve always enjoyed working with children, though they can sometimes drive you crazy. They don‘t always learn as much as they should and I have to find new ways to make them listen to me and do their homework. I also have to be patient, because not all of my students learn quickly. - F. teacher
3. I‘m very sociable and good at communicating with people. Besides I have always wanted a job in which I could use my knowledge of foreign languages. What I like best about my work is meeting interesting people and taking interviews. I have to work very quickly — tomorrow‘s newspaper won‘t wait! - A. journalist
4. Working with people is very interesting but also very difficult because you have always to be polite. I didn't study very well at school but I am good at numbers and I‘m very sociable, so working in a big supermarket is a suitable job for me. Of course, I get tired in the evening, but in the morning, I am ready to start my working day again. D. shop assistant
5. Taking care of sick people needs a lot of patience and kindness. We don‘t get much money, but the most pleasant moment of my job is seeing a patient get well and leave the hospital. Often, I have to work at night but I find time for my studies. My dream is to finish Medical Institute and become a doctor. E. nurse