Complete the conversation with the gerund or infinitive of the verbs.
1 A What's wrong with your brother?
B He's really upset about losing (lose) the
2 A Your sister's homework is really hard.
B I offered
(help) her, but she
ignored me.
3 A I finished the homework, but I think some of my
answers are wrong.
B Don't worry about it.
mistakes is normal.
4 A Have you heard about Clare?
B Don't tell me! It isn't kind
about people.
5 A Why are you doing all the chores?
(earn) some money,
6 A What are you doing this weekend?
B Seb suggested
(go) to the mall on
Saturday morning. Do you want
Базовая разница между Past Simple и Past Perfect очевидна. Действие, выраженное Past Simple, произошло в а выраженное Past Perfect – до момента в
Давайте сравним.
Alan finished his essay at 10pm yesterday. – Алан закончил сочинение вчера в 10 вечера. (Past Simple)Alan had finished his essay by 10pm yesterday. – Вчера к 10 вечера Алан закончил писать сочинение. (Past Perfect).В первом случае, at 10pm yesterday дает нам момент во втором случае, фраза by 10pm yesterday указывает на то, что действие произошло до момента.
Единственное, на что Вы должны обратить внимание, это повествовательные предложения, в которых описывается последовательность действий. В подобных предложениях нужно использовать исключительно Past Simple.
On his birthday, Jaсk got up at eight. Нe opened his presents and then he went to the zoo with his family. – В свой День Рождения Джек встал в восемь. Он открыл свои подарки, а затем пошел в зоопарк с членами своей семьи