Russian artist Maksim Galkin actively leads social networks and often shares photos and videos with subscribers on his page in Instagram. Recently, Galkin also published a new sephi with Alla Pugacheva, which caused a storm of dispute over the network.
Fans immediately noticed that Primadonna looks very young. In their opinion, the 69-year-old singer looks better every day, even younger than his 42-year-old husband.
"Alla is good with each passing day", "Alla looks younger than you, Maxim," "Maxim looks older with Alla," fans wrote in comments
My grandmother is very kind and not when not discouraged! She wakes up early in the morning, makes me Breakfast and wakes me up. Of course I don't want to Wake up, but grandma has a way! She starts tickling me with his wrinkled hands, so tickled that I immediately like cheerful (cheerful)! I'm going to eat, then brush my teeth and get dressed for school! When I'm dressed my grandmother accompanies me to the exit of the entrance, and then goes back to the apartment.
After I have studied (as), my grandmother meets me near school and we go home. She'll feed me delicious soup and pasta, and then we do our homework together! With grandma is always fun to learn!
Моя бабушка очень добрая и не когда не унывает! Она просыпается рано утром, готовит мне завтрак и будит меня. Конечно же, я не хочу просыпаться, но у бабушки есть выход! Она начинает меня щекотать своими наморщенными руками, это так щекотно что я сразу как бодрый (бодрая)! Я иду есть, потом чистить зубы и одеваться в школу! Когда я одет бабушка провожает меня до выхода из подъезда, а потом уходит обратно в квартиру.
После того как я отучился (ась), меня бабушка встречает около школы и мы идём домой. Она меня накормит вкусным супом и макаронами, а потом мы делаем вместе уроки! С бабушкой всегда весело учиться!
1. took
2. got to
3. made
4. had got
5. had given
6. to give
7. to get
8 . said