kraine is a sovereign state with its territory, high and local bodies of state power (the supreme council and local councils), government, national emblem, state flag and anthem. the form of governing is presidential republic.
president is the head of the state. he is also the head of the executive branch of power. president is elected by the people of the country at a general election for a period of 5 years. he can’t be elected for more than 3 terms. according to the laws of ukraine a president can’t be younger than 35 years old, he must live in the country no less than 10 years, be a citizen of ukraine and master the national language.
the legislative power is carried out by the parliament (or supreme council) which consists of 450 members. the laws of the country are made by them.
executive power is carried out by the government or the cabinet of ministers, which is responsible for the realization of laws adopted by the supreme council.
judicial power is performed by the system of courts, the highest of them is the supreme court.
beside the organs of power, political system of ukraine also includes political parties and social organizations.
the national symbols of ukraine are the national flag, the national emblem and the national anthem.
the ukrainian flag consists of two horizontal stripes: the upper one is blue and the lower one is yellow. these are the colours of sky, sun, streams and golden fields.
the national emblem is a trident. it symbolizes three elements of the world: air, water and earth.
the music to ukrainian anthem was composed by m. verbytsky.
the policy of new ukraine is one of peace with all her neighbours. to be respected we should be strong and rich; we should be wise, so that everybody will seek cooperation with us; we should be free so that others will follow our example.
I'm reading now ,he is sleeping,We are drinking tea now,they are going to school now, I'm not sleeping now,she is not drinking coffee now, I read every day,he sleeps every night,he drinks tea every morning,they go to school every morning,I don't sleep in the afternoon,she doesn't drink coffee after lunch,we are not watching TV now,they are not eating now,my mother is not working now,are you working now?,is he playing now?,are they eating now?,is your sister resting now ? What are you doing now?what are you reading now?,what they are eating now?,What is your brother drinking now ?, We don't watch tv at the morning, they don't eat at the lesson,my mother does not work at an office,Do you work every day? does he play in the afternoon?do they eat at school?dose your sister rest after school?what do you do every morning?what do you read after dinner?what do they eat at breakfast? what does your brother drink in the evening?