My favorite character.
I always really liked the cartoons about Cheburashka. When I learned to read, one of my first books I read was the book "Crocodile Gene and His Friends". Cheburashka is my favorite hero of this book.
Cheburashka is a small animal with large ears, covered with brown fur. He arrived in the city in a box of oranges. The animal was called by the director of the store Cheburashka, in which this box was opened, because the animal was so full of oranges that it constantly cheburahatsya, that is, fell. Cheburashka is very cute, kind and cheerful. He immediately made friends with the crocodile Gena, who was very lonely. Together they did good deeds and they made many friends.
Девочка худого телосложения, с длинными рыжими волосами, носит розовое платье. с голубым передником, любит головные уборы по типу фиолетового ободка.
The girl is thin, with long red hair, and wears a pink dress. with a blue apron, likes hats like a purple rim.
Скряга, тщательно следит за временем, придерживается строгого стиля в одежде. начитанный, поэтому носит очки
Miser, carefully monitors the time, adheres to a strict style of clothing. well-read, so he wears glasses