The pretty bags are made by this factory.
Some new undeground stations are built in Khrkov.
New ruls were explained bu the teacher.
The street was blocked by the snow.
The porcelain was invented in China.
The football is discussed.
He was talked by us yesterday.
A strange picture was shown for us.
Good marks were got for every student.
The bons are given for dogs.
The beer isn't allowed to drink on the streets.
This songs are listened to often.
The presents aren't presented for her every day.
The phone is saled.
The tests ate writen by a pen.
This goods are made in China
He was punished by his parents.
English language is spoken inmany countries by most of people.
London is a beautiful city and the capital of Great Britain. It has a lot of interesting things, as in other cities of Great Britain . The most famous of the city of London," it is of course Big Ben,
Madam Tussaud's Museum, London Eye,Tower Bridge. You need to visit, and get a lot of food. But we must not forget And other cities. Oxford-city is known for its prestigious "Oxford" at which there are a lot of opportunities, this attraction does not end, in Oxford you can visit:Oxford Castle, Many museums, Bodleian Library.
Liverpool is a city in Merseyside, United Kingdom, the Britain's second largest port after London. The thousands of migrants and sailors passing through the city resulted in a religious diversity that is still apparent today. Hence, Liverpool is known to be England's 'most Catholic city', with a Catholic population much larger than in other parts of England. Attractions:Royal Liver Building,City Hall.
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