a.beat )
2.Выберите правильную форму глагола «to have»:
What bike have you got?
a.are having
3.Выберите правильный вариант:
It is never late to study.
a.it )
4. Укажите правильный артикль:
I believe friendship is more important than без артикля love.
b.без артикля )
5. Выберите нужное прилагательное и употребите его в правильной форме:
Chihuahuas are generally recognized as the world’s small dog breed.
a) clever b) small) c) cheap
6. Укажите, в каком из предложений можно употребить все указанные слова: many, few, a lot of:
a.They have read 10 English books in the original.
b.There is no good news today.
c.He likes to spend much time watching TV.
7. Выберите правильный предлог:
He is interested in collecting stamps.
c.in )
8. Соотнесите английское предложение с русским:
a.Ей пришлось прийти раньше. )
b.Ей можно прийти пораньше.
c.Она, возможно, придет раньше.
9. Завершите разделительный вопрос, выбрав правильный вариант:
James broke the keyboard, did he ?
a.isn’t it
b.didn't he
c.did he )
d.doesn’t it
10. Отметьте вопросительное слово, которое используется, чтобы задать вопрос к выделенной части предложения:
Why Jack was upset because he wasn’t invited to the party.
d.Why )
11. Выберите правильный вс глагол:
Granny, how old did you when you got married?
c.did )
12. She is just translating the article from English and wants to show the translation to the teacher.
a.) is___translating
b.has translated
13. Отметьте правильный вариант перевода:
If you knew English, you could help us.
a.Если бы ты знал английский, ты бы смог нам
b.Если ты знаешь английский, ты сможешь нам
14. Выберите нужную форму глагола:
He … by the police.
a.has arrested
b.arrested )
c. has been arrested
15. Найдите ошибку в подчеркнутых частях предложения:
He said them that he was going to give up smoking.
16. Выберите правильный вариант:
I took someone else’s umbrella by mistake .
c.mistake )
17. Исключите слово, отличающееся от остальных:
1)seven 2) eleven 3) a hundred 4) eighteen (5) second) 6) seventy 7) twenty-five 8) three
18. Замените выделенное слово фразовым глаголом:
Who takes care of the kids when you go out in the evening?
a.look after )
b.look up
c.look over
19. Какое из утверждений является верным?
a.New York is the capital of the USA.
b.The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. )
c.Great Britain consists of two countries – Scotland and England.
20. Поставьте предложения в правильной последовательности так, чтобы получился связный рассказ:
Fruit Salad
1) 6.Then it is decorated and put into a cool place for some time.
2) 3.Then they are put into a pot.
3) 1.First different fruits are taken.
4) 7.It is served for dessert.
5) 5.After that the salad is mixed.
6) 2.They are carefully washed and cut into pieces.
7) 4.Cream may also be added.
Sarah has got a car. She goes everywhere by bicycle. They like animals. They have got two dogs and three cats. Charles isn't happy. He has got a lot of problems.Has your father got a car? Have you got an umbrella?
Margaret speaks four languages. In Britain the banks usually open at 9.30 in the morning. I buy a newspaper everyday but sometimes I don't read it. Paul has a car but he doesn't use it very often. Do you watch TV a lot? Does your brother like football? Julia always enjoys parties. I never drink coffee. Sue is a very quiet person. She doesn't talk much. How often do you go to the theatre?
We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room was very small and it wasn't very clean. I cleaned my teeth three times yesterday. The concert started at 7.30 and finished at 10 o'clock. When I was a child, I wanted to be a teacher. 'I cut my hand this morning.' 'How did you do that?'
Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You won't sleep. 'Are you ready yet?' 'Not yet. I will be ready in five minutes.' I think we will win the game. 'It's very warm in the room.' 'Shall I open the window?' Will you stay at home tomorrow evening?
Would you like some tea? — Yes, please. When we were on holiday, we visited some very interesting places. I'm afraid there is no coffee. Would you like some tea? I went out to buy some milk but they didn't have any in the shop. I can do this job alone. I don't need any help.
She said something to me but I didn't understand it. Somebody has broken the window. I don't know whom. There is nothing in the bag. It's empty. I'm looking for my keys. Has anybody seen them? Would you like something to drink?
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