52 Ягуар – третье по величине млекопитающее
Из семейства кошачьих после
тигра и льва. Эта очень краси-
вая пятнистая Кошка обитает
в Центральной и Южной Амери-
ке. Ягуар обладает великолеп-
ным слухом, а ночью видит даже
лучше, чем днём, хорошо лазает
по деревьям и Скалам, ОТЛИЧНО
We are waiting for the train Adler - Vorkuta. Suddenly in the night the horn of the train is heard. Everyone begins to worry. The train costs only a minute. We must get to the car. Show tickets and have time to jump into the car. Feeling the joy that we had. Get the laundry and go to bed. When I became an adult, I had to travel a lot around the country. It was on cars, trains, planes, helicopters, rafting on a boat. But the childhood memory of the adventure, always with me. I still sometimes pass by the railway station, I want to get out. To buy a ticket. Get on the train. And somewhere to go.