Lesson plan 7 grade Task Write the names of the most popular gargets, describe some of them. Write how they work and what people do with them. 1 telephone 2345 _678910
Now it is the 21 century. Our life is full of IT technologies. Of course, it`s so comfortable, so exiting and interesting. But changing teachers for computers is a crazy idea!
In Russia education isn`t so good as in European countries, it`s a known fact. Our goverment gives a lot of money for new computer classes, for the best books, gyms,but it does not work. Why?Because pupils don`t have desire to study, to learn new interesting things, which our nature and science have. After schools they go home to play computer games or watch TV. They aren`t interested in reading and learning.
That`s whychildren need attention to their works, their actions. Teacher can discuss problems with them, explain how to do something right. Teacher will understand you, will help, will calm you. And so-called iron boxes can`t do these things.
A lot of people like scientists or programmists think that computer is our future. Yes,that`s right. But it doesn`t mean that we should give these machines a chance to teach pupils! It is not a good way to get better education.
Somebody does not like computers at all, and they are right too. These things spoil our vision, they can`t make our brain work properly. Computers have made people addicted to them.
By the way of conclusion, I want to say that our future is in our hands. We should think about our sons and daughters.On my mind, they want to study well and understand everything clearly. And it won`t be possible with robots, which we already use at home and school more than 50% of our time a day
1. She has some new dresses.
У нее есть несколько новых платьев.
2. I don't need any help.
Мне не нужна Положи немного сахара в мой кофе.
4. We haven't any apples in the fridge.
У нас нет яблок в холодильнике.
5. There are some books on the table.
На столе лежит несколько книг.
6. Have you any pencils?
У тебя есть карандаши?
7. She bought some toys for you yesterday.
Она купила тебе несколько игрушек вчера.
8. Are there any children in the room?
В комнате есть дети?
9. Do they have any friends?
У них есть друзья?
10. There were some cars on the road.
На дороге было несколько машин.