Choose the best option between A, B, C or D for questions 12 7. It is difficult to avoid travelling because
A) people need to go to another countries
B) people wait for it very much
C) people cannot but travel
D) people do it every day
2 To travel by plane takes a long time when
A) there is a lot of people
B) there are great distances
C) there is much oil
D) there is a good weather
3 Where do people travel often?
A) abroad for study
B) obroad for holidays
C) abreed for visiting relatives
Originally Russian education starts from the early age. Pupils began to go to school at the age of six or seven till sixteen or eighteen.Compulsory education in Russia is presented by three types of school: primary, secondary, high. When pupils complete high grades they can continue to study at school for more 2 years. When school pupils leave school they can try to continue their education in colleges or universities.