1. The Republic of Belarus occupies an advantageous geopolitical position in the centre of Europe. 2. The territory of Belarus is crossed by the shortest ways of communication from central and eastern regions of Russia to West European countries, as well as between the Baltic and Black Seas. 3. The distance from the state capital, Minsk, to capitals of the neighbouring states are: to Vilnius 215 km, to Riga 470 km, to Warsaw 550 km, to Kiev 580 km, and to Moscow 700 km. 4. The length of Belarus' territory is 560 km from north to south and 650 km from west to east. 5. As for 1.01.2002, the population of the Republic of Belarus constituted about 9.99 million people with more than 100 ethnic groups. 6. Thirty different types of minerals have been found in the territory of the country and more than 4 thousand mineral deposits, of which 600 are under exploitation. 7. The climate specific features are conditioned by the breath of the Atlantic Ocean. 8. The number of employees at enterprises and organizations is 4.34 million people; of them, 1.14 million persons are employed in industries, and 0.51 million people in agriculture. 9. The Republic of Belarus consists of 6 regions which include 118 administrative districts and the City of Minsk. There are 110 towns and 108 settlements with the status of a town.
1. Did you see the State of Liberty? (Ты видел Статую Свободы?) 2. What did you do in New York? (Что ты видел в Нью Йорке?) 3. Have you been to Central Park? (Ты был в Центральном Парке?) 4. Did you see any celebrity? (Ты видел какую-нибудь знаменитость?) 5. Have you eaten a real american burger? (Ты пробовал настоящий американский бургер?) 6. Have you got any friends in New York? (Ты завел каких-нибудь друзей в Нью-Йорке? 7. Have you seen the Empire State Building? (Ты видел Эмпайер Стэйт Билдинг? 8. Did you see mr. Obama there? (Ты видел там мистера Обаму?) (Здоровое чувство юмора не повредит) 9. Did you buy something from there? (Ты купил оттуда что-нибудь?) 10. Did you like New York? (Тебе понравился Нью Йорк?)
Пл или же что в Москве в городе Сочи нет и там не видно как то не то в 30 и не только