A Rabbit and Her Kittens One day, Melanie, a nurse at an animal hospital, found six tiny kittens( крошечных котят). Their mother was nowhere to be seen.( Их матери нигде не было.)
Melanie took(забрала) the kittens home. She thought(думала) her pet cat would look after(присматривать) them. she got a big surprise. Her cat wasn't interested in the kittens. And the kittens weren't interested in the cat. It was Melanie's pet rabbit, Summer, that was the star.
"The kittens love their new rabbit mom. They don't leave her alone,"( Они не оставляют ее одну) says Melanie. "It's amazing. They climb all over her and look to get milk from her. Summer just sits there and lets them do it."
The kittens follow the rabbit everywhere. They don't like to be without her.
"They are all so cute together," says Melanie. "The kittens may start hopping soon!"
1.What was the rabbit's name?
a) Bunny
b) Melanie
c) Summer
2. Where(Где) does Melanie work?
a) at an animal hospital
b) at a pet store
c) at a zoo
3. How many(сколько) kittens did Melanie find?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 6
4. Why(почему) did Melanie take the kittens home?
a) She wanted to give the kittens away.
b) She had a pet cat who could be a mother to the kittens.
c) She was going to feed the kittens with a bottle.
5. What is unusual about this story?
a) Six kittens make a big litter.
b) It's unusual for kittens to want a rabbit as their mother.
c) It's unusual for a cat to leave her kittens.
6. Why did Melanie take the kittens home?
a)She wanted to give the kittens away.
b) She had a pet cat who could be a mother to the kittens.
c) She was going to feed the kittens with a bottle.
2.Посмотрите на картинки и напишите названия видов спорта
Task 2. Write the names of sport
1.This is . It is a sport of riding or travelling by bicycle, motorcycle etc.
2.This is . It is a team game. It is played on ice. The players hit a small, hard object with a long curved stick.
3. Запишите названия игр по картинкам вспоминая лексику
Task 3. Write the names of games
1 2 3 4
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