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5 Complete the sentences with the correct adjective form (-ful or -less) of the nouns in the box.

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This girl is a student. These girls are students. That boy is brave. Those boys are brave.
1. This book is French-These books are French. 2. This girl is in the garden-These girls are in the garden. 3. That map is old-These maps are old. 4. This student is from Great Britain-Those students are from Great Britain. 5. That flower is beautiful-Those flowers are beautiful. 6. This is my bag-These are my bags. 7. This is a French text-Those are a French texts. 8. That room is nice-These rooms are nice. 9. This film is interesting-Those films are interesting.
1. Pass me those apples-Pass me this is apple. 2. I don't like this hat-I dont like these hats. 3. This is your copy-book-These are your copy-books. 4. Whose car is this?-Whose cars are these? 5. Those pens are better than these-This pen is better than these.. 6. Where is that nice girl now?Where are these nice girls. 7. These books are not interesting-This book is not interesting. 8. Those newspapers are for you-this newspaper is for you. 9. Is that boy your brother?Are these boys your brothers? 10. These rooms are very nice-This room is very nice. 11. Whose bags are these?Whose bag is this? 12. Give me that cap, please-Give me those caps,please. 13. This table is little-Those tables are little. 14. Give me these pens and this book-Give me that pen and this book. 15. This flat is clean-Those flats are clean.
There are some roses in the vase. Are there any roses in the vase? There is some wine in the glass. Is there any wine in the glass?
2. 1. There are some letters for Ann.Are there some letters for Ann? 2. There is some noise (шум) in the corridor.Is there some noise in the corridors? 3. There are some children in the garden.Are there some children in the garden? 4. There are some cars in the street.Are there some cars in the street? 5. There is some fish in the fridge.Is these some fish in the fridge. 6. There is some ice-cream on the table.Is these some ice-cream on the table. 7. There are some books on the shelf.Are there some black on the shelf. 8. There are some old shoes under the bed.Are there some old shoes under the bed.
There aren't any boys there. There are no boys there.
1. There isn't any coffee in the cup.-There is any cofee in the cup. 2. There aren't any students in the class-room.-there are  students in the class-room. 3. There aren't any cars in the street.-There are any cars in the street. 4. He hasn't any friends.-He has any friends. 5. They haven't any money.-they have money 6. We haven't any meat for supper.-we have meat for supper. 7. That country hasn't any coffee to export-that country has cofee to export.
1. There are  some students in the library. 2. There isn't any light in the room. 3. Mary has got two sisters but she hasn't got any brothers. 4. I don't like popular music but some people like it. 5. Has Mother any meat for dinner? – Yes, she has some meat . 6. Are there any mistakes in Nick's dictation? – No, there are not any mistaskes . 7. Has Max any friends here? – Yes, he has some friends . 8. Has Bess any interesting books to read? – No, she hasn't . 9. Would you like any coffee? 10. Can I have some tea, please?
4,7(31 оценок)

Novosibirsk is a city in Russia, administrative center of Novosibirsk region and the Siberian Federal district, a major industrial, transportation, scientific and cultural centre, is located in 3303 kilometers from Moscow.

The city is located at the Priobskoye plateau adjacent to the valley of the river Ob, near the reservoir formed by the dam of the Novosibirsk hydroelectric power station.

Novosibirsk is the largest city of Siberia and the largest municipality in Russia. Its population in 2006 is 1 million 397 thousand inhabitants. The largest Novosibirsk belongs to the third place in Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg. The city covers an area of about 500,kV. km (50021 ha).

Novosibirsk lies in the continental climate zone; the average annual air temperature is +0.2 C. Characterized by large fluctuations average (38 C) and absolute (88 C) temperatures. The average air temperature in January -18,8 C, in July +25 C. the lowest temperature was recorded on January 7, 1931 -50,2 C, the highest 22 July 1953 +37,2 C. the City is located at the intersection of forest-steppe and steppe natural zones.

The settlement that later became the city of Novosibirsk, was founded in 1893 as the future site of a railway bridge over the Ob river. During its existence it changes its name several times. First, the place where the future city was New village, after she became a New village, which was later named Alexander, in honor of St. Alexander Nevsky, the heavenly patron of Emperor Alexander III. Since 1895, it was renamed the village of Novo-Nikolayevskoye in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron Saint of Emperor Nicholas II. And in 1903, the settlement received the status of town. In 1925, the city of Novo-Nikolaevsk (after the October revolution, began to write the Novonikolaevsk) was renamed to Novosibirsk.

The sights of Novosibirsk include the Opera and ballet Theatre, St. Nicholas chapel, Communal bridge, a railway bridge, monument to Marshal Pokryshkin and others

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