Сегодня многие говорят о зависимости подростков от телефонов и других электронных устройств. Но на самом деле никакой зависимости нет, за редким исключением. Есть привязанность. Современный человек, не только подросток, привязан к огромному количеству различных вещей, таких как Интернет, мобильная связь, электричество, даже, как бы странно это ни звучало, туалет в доме является нормой в наше время. Мало кто готов отказаться от всех удобств. В какой-то степени это тоже зависимость. Однако вам нужно знать, когда телефон следует отложить в сторону и что-то сделать. Во всем нужно знать меру. Подводя итог, можно сказать, что зависимость подростков от телефонов-не более чем миф, сродни тому, как младшие дети пугаются Бабы-Яги и т. д. Они созданы из благих намерений, но все равно остаются лишь сказкой.
I did morning exercises
Did I do morning exercises ?
I did not do morning exercises
He found a work at the factory
Did he find a work at the factory?
He did not find a work at the factory
She slept after dinner.
Did she sleep after dinner?
She did not sleep after dinner.
We worked part-time.
Did we work part-time?
We did not work part-time
They drank tea yesterday
Did they drink tea yesterday ?
They did not drink tea yesterday
Mike was a student.
Was Mike a student?
Mike was not a student
Helen had a car.
Did Helen have a car?
Helen did not have a car
You were a good friend.
Were you a good friend ?
You were not a good friend
It was difficult to remember everything
Was it difficult to remember everything?
It was not difficult to remember everything
She ate a tasty cake
Did she eat a tasty cake?
She did not eat a tasty cake
He wrote a letter
Did he write a letter?
He did not write a letter
I made a mistake - это устойчивое выражение,его лучше запомнить
Did I make a mistake ?
I did not make a mistake
They heard a noise.
Did they hear a noise ?
They did not hear a noise
He left the town.
Did he leave the town ?
He did not leave the town
I gave her an apple.
Did I give her an apple?
I did not give her an apple.
Ваййй мама кто это тебе сказал что у 2.Не