Тут всё просто. "asas" мы используем когда хотим сказать что кто-то или что-то такое же.
Например она такая же красивая как и её мама. She is as beautiful as her mother.
Тоесть мы с двух сторон прилагающиего ставим as, а форму не меняем (посмотри на пример).
"than" мы используем что бы сказать что что-то, или кто-то лучше, что бы сравнить. Например он красивее неё. He is more beautiful than her.
А как менять слова нужно просто запомнить. Например:
good – better – best; bad – worse – worst; little – less – least;
Надеюсь ты понял/а как это делать))
ответы к заданию:1) Bicycles are not as comfortable as cars but they are easyer to park.
2) He got up earlyer than she did.
3) I hear you were having problems with your business last year. Is it better this year?
4) The metal is valuable than gold.
5) Ann isn't as hard working as her elder sister.
6) Let's go by train. It's much cheaper.
7) She's the prettiest girl I've ever known.
8) The Europa Hotel is more expensive than the Grand.
9) This contract is as satisfactory as the previous one.
10) It’s warmer today than yesterday.
11) Sally is politer than her brother.
12) She is as intelligent as her sister.
13) It’s the worst film I’ve ever seen.
14) There are fewer problems than there were before.
15) This winter is not as cold as last one.
16) I need to go to the doctor – this cough is getting worse and worse.
17) My suitcase is heavyer than yours. Can you carry mine, please?
18) Robin Hood is a legendary hero as King Arthur is.
19) The Amazon is the wider river in the world.
20) The North Pole isn’t as cold as the South Pole.
21) It lasted longer than 3 hours and, believe me, it was the most boring three hours in my life.
Очень надеюсь что
1) Bicycles are not more comfortable than cars but they are easier to park. 2) He got up earlier than she did. 3) I hear you were having problems with your business last year. Is it better this year? 4) The metal is more valuable than gold. 5) Ann isn't harder working than her elder sister. 6) Let's go by train. It's much cheaper. 7) She's the prettiest girl I've ever known. 8) The Europa Hotel is more expensive than the Grand. 9) This contract is more satisfactory than the previous one. 10) It’s warmer today than yesterday. 11) Sally is more polite than her brother. 12) She is more intelligent than her sister. 13) It’s the worse film I’ve ever seen. 14) There are fewer problems than there were before. 15) This winter is not colder thanlast one. 16) I need to go to the doctor – this cough is getting worse and worse . 17) My suitcase is heavier than yours. Can you carry mine, please? 18) Robin Hood is More legendary hero Than King Arthur is. 19) The Amazon is the widest river in the world. 20) The North Pole is colder than the South Pole. 21) It lasted longer than 3 hours and, believe me, it was the most boring three hours in my life.
Have been buying
Have built
Have been aquiring
Have been growing
Hasnt been stabilizing
Has made