Всем привет,не могу решить задания(олимпиада по английскому)ответьте с меня Task 1.
You are going to read an article. Five sentences have been removed
from it. Choose from sentences A-G the one that fits each gap.
There’s one extra sentence which you don’t need
A. it became a natural centre for the road system and roads from all the
great towns
B. The foresight of its founders gave London several advantages.
C. There were important trading posts strung out along it and such
places as at Egham, and Brentford.
D. a highway for seaborne raiders into the heart of the land or a defensive
border in a war zone
E. that it was practicable to build a bridge
F. without being dependent on the vagaries of the wind
G. The bank had also been fortified with sharp stakes fixed along it
H. for long periods the boundary between tribes
The fame and fortune of London is based quite simply on its position
along the Thames. 1 . Firstly, it offered an ideal route into the
heart of Britain for sea borne trade. Here boats could shelter from storm,
and can take advantage of the tides to float up and down the Thames
2. The cost of transporting goods by boat before the 19th
Century was considerably cheaper than by land and so the extra miles of
sea transport were valuable.
Secondly, the City was the furthest downstream 3 . On the
North Bank there was high ground and although the South Bank was prone
to flood, there were two eyots (islands) of sand and gravel for the approach
road to the first London Bridge across a generally marshy area.
Thirdly, the two hills on the north bank, Comhill and Ludgate offered
an ideal site for a City as it was south facing, well supplied with water, had
good supplies of local building materials, and was above the flood plan.
Once the bridge was put in place 4 in all comers of
Britain headed to London. The combination of a port, bridge and centre of
the road system was a winning combination.
But the history of London shows us that it is not a totally infallible
recipe for success because these geographic advantages count for little if the
country is disunited. For the broad highway that is the Thames has another
face. In times of strife, the Thames becomes 5 .
These facts explain much of London’s history. For example in the
prehistoric period the Thames was 6 and although the Thames
was still an important trade route it did not lead to the development of a great
City. 7. But in the absence of a unified communications network
no one site had a monopoly of geographic advantages and therefore did not
develop into an international City.
Task II. Find words and phrases in the text, which mean the same as the
1. make or become united
2. a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favourable or superior
3. make (something needed or wanted) available to someone; provide
4. an area of low-lying land which is flooded in wet seasons or at high
tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times
5. likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant
or regrettable
6. the state of being known by many people
7. incapable of making mistakes or being wrong
8. a group or system of interconnected people or things
женский день
В нашей стране много праздников, и 8
Марта-один из них. Первый национальный женский
День отмечался 28 февраля 1909 года в
Соединенных Штатах.
Это счастливый и приятный праздник. В нашей стране существует добрая традиция
женщинам в этот день подарки и цветы. Каждая семья празднует этот
весенний праздник. Утром мужчины идут в
магазины или на рынок, чтобы купить цветы. Они стараются
убирать квартиры и женщинам готовить праздничный
Сыновья и дочери тоже матерям:
пекут пирог, накрывают на стол и моют посуду после
праздничного ужина.
Все члены семей стараются быть хорошо
одетыми в этот день.
Некоторые семьи празднуют 8 Марта, посещая
театры и концерты. Они
заранее покупают билеты.
Другие предпочитают приглашать гостей и оставаться дома.
В Англии почти такой же праздник. Он
называется Днем матери и отмечается также весной.
Сыновья и дочери приходят и дарят подарки своим
матерям в этот день.
Если нет возможности увидеть мать, можно послать
ей подарки и открытки. Цветы и торты-
традиционные подарки для всех матерей. В этот день
Казахстанцы празднуют женщин. Мужчины дарят цветы
и другие гифки своим матерям, сестрам и
женам.Все женщины стараются быть милыми и счастливыми в этот