7. Look at the pairs of sentences below. Both of them are grammatically correct.
1. a) It rained heavily when I ran for the bus.
b) It was raining heavily when I ran for the bus.
2. a) The train just came into the station when we arrived on the platform.
b) The train was just coming into the station when we arrived on the platform.
3. a) He broke his leg while riding his bike at the weekend.
b) He was breaking his leg while riding his bike at the weekend.
Choose one sentence in each pair, a or b, that is more logical.
1. b) It was raining heavily when I ran for the bus.
2. b) The train was just coming into the station when we arrived on the platform.
3. a) He broke his leg while riding his bike at the weekend.
Carrot cleaned with a knife
Coarse grated tinder cheese:
Back and forth, here and there.
Soup stir ladle
And tolkushkoy crumple potatoes
Knife cut dill
Whack-Whack-Whack and into a bowl of op!
It turned out delicious to
Personally, samples are taken from the dishes,
To our children
Was always fed!
Повара уж очень ловко
Чистят ножиком морковку,
Сыр на крупной терке трут:
Взад-вперед, то там, то тут.
Суп мешают поварешкой
И толкушкой мнут картошку
Режут ножиком укроп
Вжик-вжик-вжик и в миску оп!
Получилось вкусно чтобы,
Лично с блюд снимают пробы,
Чтобы наша детвора
Была сытая всегда!