.Chosse True(верно)/ False(неверно)[2] Vikings hunted wild animals Dracorex means “dragon kings” Korkyt Ata was a famous teacher We can read books in the swimming pool
1. Last summer Jim and Jill didn't go to the forest. Did Jim and Jill go to the forest last summer? 2. The day wasn't fine. Was the day fine? 3. It wasn't very hot and sunny. Was it very hot and sunny? 4. 5. 6. 7. The bird had not fallen from the tree. Had the bird fallen from the tree? 8. 9. They didn't put bird into the box. Did they put bird into the box? 10. The children didn't like the bird very much. Did the children like the bird very much? 11. They didn't give the bird bread, apples, corn and water. Did they give the bird bread, apples, corn and water? 12. The bird didn't live in there house for two weeks. Did the bird live in there house for to weeks? 13. 14. The bird wasn't very happy. Was the bird very happy?
My favorite fairy tale Masha and the Bear. this is an old Russian fairy tale. here you are told Masha speckle perozhki, and told to carry their grandmother. but medved nehotel Podoroga and sat down on a stump that would be eating a perezhok. but Mary was smart and she got into the cart with only perezhkami.kak medved sodilsya have it krechala high sizhe dolyako stare. medved and moved on. potehon so he came to the place naznocheniya.skazka very good gay advise to read.
ПЕРЕВОД÷ моя любимая сказка маша и медведь. это старинная русская сказка. здесь рассказывается как маша спекла перожки, и сказала отнести их бабушке. но медьведь нехотел и подороге садился на пенек что бы сьесть пережок. но маша была умной и она залезла в корзину с пережками.как только медьведь содился есть она кречала высоко сиже доляко гляжу. и медьведь шел дальше. так потехонь он и дошел до места назночения.сказка очень хорошая веселая советую прочесть.