1) Why is the weekend a good time to go shopping? A) It is very busy on the weekend. B) People are free from work. C) Things are usually cheaper. D) The shops are closed. 2) What are people doing when they go shopping just to have a look and not to buy? A) Bargain hunting B) Window shopping C) They do not have much money D) Looking for the best quality 3) What do some people usually think about items of better quality? A) They are cheaper B) They are harder to find C) They are more expensive D) They are on sale 4) When can shopping be stressful? A) When shops are about to close B) When it is very busy C) When buying a gift for someone D) On the weekend 5) Is there sometimes a problem with online shopping? A) No the shops are open 24 hours a day B) Yes with the quality and description of the item C) Yes there are too many queues D) No there are no problems
2. Teens today use gadgets as if they were their continuation. His school schedule is very tight. I spilled juice on the keyboard and now it does not work. Be careful, she can reveal your secret. Mary always cares about other people, she is so attentive. The President made an official statement. 3 They must be working abroad. They may have been in Europe. .- It cannot be that Katya passed the exam successfully. - Petya may be writing an essay now. (unlikely) - These children must be attending a private school.
In every house, in every family has its own rules and traditions. In my family, and I have great: I, father, mother, elder and younger brother, has its own traditions. We in our family always try to listen to each other and always try to keep warm, family atmosphere. Many have traditions, but the most important thing is the hospitality and respect to each guest. You should always take guests with a smile and to see them with a smile. After all, the hospitality of the Foundation of the entire family and we always try to please the guest. We are pleased to deliver our family pleasure, give them gifts, arrange holidays. Shared joy collect all of us at the table for family occasions: birthdays, a name-days, anniversaries. Sitting at the table and drinking hot warm tea with jam, we discuss how were our days and that was interesting proishozhdenie with us. Each funny story Pope ended noisy laughter and jokes. The love of family, this is the main tradition of our family. Without love and friendship is not the best, but we are trying to Express his love, even in a small piece of chocolate Alenka! But it's great! The tradition in our family is holding the Muslim fast of Ramadan or Ramadan. Ramadan or Ramadan (tour. Ramazan) - one month of the Muslim calendar. In accordance with one of the five pillars of Islam during the month of Ramadan devout Muslims must fast from the onset of morning prayers (Fajr, coming at dawn) until the evening prayer (the Maghreb, coming with the sunset.