Hardly we will challenge that fact that music has enormous influence on mood and health of the person, his character, and, perhaps, and on all his life. But how many was various music styles as modern tastes and preferences would seem many-sided to us, there is a music eternal, indisputable. It submits the grandeur and extraordinary harmony, any hearts, and time powerlessly before this unknown power are subject to it. This music – classics, unfading and not obeying whimsical styles, natural, as life, and comprehensive. And it isn't casual, listening to Mozart and Liszt, Tchaikovsky and Puccini's immortal works, we feel beauty and attractiveness of the sounds which are smoothly flowing and washing our soul the tender and exciting stream. Music is capable of a lot of things: it consoles and wounded heart treats, blood heats, amuses and fills with the raging pleasure each section of our body. Its kind power is really immense, it bears love and updating, it charms and carries away to other, fantastic worlds, leaving in the distance all vanity and ordinary meanness of daily occurrence. And let prompt years leave, let centuries be replaced new eyelids, is eternal and unshakable by value time among which music – magic and reverence of soul, true good and secret, to solve which is given only to the person with heart open for beauty and original art. Also the one who the life feels every moment magic influence and tender force of music as salutary cure for all grieves is happy.
Buyer:Hello!Seller:Hello!Customer:please Give me 2,5% milk.Seller: Here you are.The buyer looks carefully at the packaging of milk and sees that it's expired.Buyer:Your milk expired,call the administrator;Seller:don't need admin,I will give you new milk;Customer:But according to the rules of your store(If the product is damaged it can be returned back and will give you a new one,but free)Seller:You're right;The buyer:the Buyer is always right!The seller went for the milk and gave it to the ego of the buyer.Seller:Here's your milk;Buyer:Thank you very muchSeller:Exceptionally,come againBuyer:goodbye. ПЕРЕВОД: Покупатель:Здравствуйте!Продавец:Здравствуйте!Покупатель:Дайте мне молоко.Продавец: Вот Покупатель внимательно смотрит на упаковку с молоком и видит что оно просроченное.Покупатель:Ваше молоко просрочено,позовите администратора;Продавец:Не надо администратора,я сейчас дам вам новое молоко;Покупатель:Но согласно правилам вашего магазина(Если продукт испорчен его можно вернуть обратно и вам дадут новый,но бесплатно)Продавец:Вы правы;Покупатель:Покупатель всегда прав!Продавец сходил за молоком и отдал эго покупателю.Продавец:Вот ваше молоко;Покупатель большоеПродавец:Неза-что,приходите ещеПокупатель:До свидание.