What are the causes of natural disasters which are becoming more frequent in our country? Not waiting for the scientist' explanations, people say this is our fault. During the last 50 years a great deal of forest in the Carpathians have been cut down. Deforestation has led to changes in local climate. That's why we have trouble with floods in this in this region. The scientists remind us that all elements and systems are interconnected in nature. Irresponsible attitude to it might lead to terrible results.
Каковы причины стихийных бедствий, которые становятся все более частыми в нашей стране? Не дожидаясь ученый и администрацией; разъяснения, люди говорят, что это наша вина. За последние 50 лет, много лесов в Карпатах были вырублены. Обезлесением, привело к изменению местного климата. Вот и администрацией;s, почему у нас проблемы с наводнениями в этом в этом регионе. Ученые напоминают нам, что все элементы и системы взаимосвязаны в природе. Безответственное отношение к ней может привести к страшным результатам.
Moscow - the capital of the Russian Federation.
Moscow boasts a number of unique attractions, including the Kremlin, was built as a fortress under the guidance of Italian architects. Among the famous ancient buildings of the Kremlin's Archangel Cathedral of the Assumption Cathedral and the Palace of Facets, where kings gave a reception, the Grand Kremlin Palace, the Tsar Cannon and Tsar Bell. Red Square was originally a market square and the site of the People on it are Mausoleum Lenin and the disposal of Soviet political figures as well as the impressive Cathedral of St. Basil's Cathedral with numerous domes. Other attractions include the wide boulevards of Moscow, forming concentric rings, seven skyscrapers in a style reminiscent of the Gothic, Ostankino TV Tower and Botanical Gardens. Ornate Moscow Metro is the most beautiful subway in the world.
London is the biggest city in Britain.Over seven million people live and work in london.
London is also one of the most important cities in the world.It is a centre for business and tourism.
There are many exciting things to do in London.The city has got some of the best theatres and museums in the world.There are a lot of places to go at night.it is a fun city!
The Romans came to Britain in AD 43.They built a town on the River Thames.They called the town Londinium.
Soon,they built a bridge over the river.Londinium grew bigger.Ships came to the town from all over Europe.
The Romans built roads from Londinium to other parts of Britian.By the year 400,there were fifty thousand people living in the sity